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Medical Malpractice

Physicians have the ability to make us feel better, stay healthy, and prevent future illnesses. Accordingly, the degree of value and respect we have for physicians often lends credence to the idea that a physician’s actions are foolproof; that they know everything and can fix anything. Consequently, we tend to forget that physician mistakes can […]

Don’t Add Insult to Injury

Don’t Add Insult to Injury: Find the Right Lawyer for Your Personal Injury Claim Dealing with a personal injury is difficult. There’s the pain (both physical and emotional), the time away from work, and the endless barrage of intrusive (if well intentioned) questions from your loved ones. Then comes the struggle of finding competent legal […]

Advice & Info for Accident Victims

When you have been in an accident in Chicago, it’s hard to think about all the details that could be involved. All you know is that you need medical help right away, and we all want the best medical help available when we are injured in an accident. However, it’s important to remember that sometimes […]