What to Know Before Filing a Truck Accident Claim

An automobile accident can be a traumatic, even life-threatening, experience. The pain and grief are only compounded when the accident involves your truck, which can remove your means of income if the damage is serious, as often the case in truck accidents. The key to ensuring a smooth process in this trying time is to […]
How To Talk To A Lawyer About A Birth Injury Case

Confusion, anxiety, and a feeling of helplessness go hand-in-hand with having a child injured at birth. Both children and parents are thrown into an entirely new world of co-existence. In the case of a birth injury, all parties experience the stress of facing the family life with additional questions of finance, lawyers, and potential medical […]
Illinois Comparative Fault — Why is the Insurance Company Blaming Me for Causing the Accident?

Suddenly another driver slams into your vehicle causing a traffic accident. You expected the insurance company for the other driver to compensate you for your injuries and losses. Now the insurance adjuster is blaming you for causing the car accident. Why? The answer may be found in the Illinois comparative fault law. What is Comparative […]
Can I Collect Compensation for an Injury if I Was Partially at Fault?

A serious auto accident is likely to result in a few different kinds of losses: property damage, medical care, lost wages. Another type of loss, which falls under what insurance companies call “general damages,” is pain and suffering. Legally, pain and suffering mean “physical, mental, and emotional distress” suffered from an accident. Obviously, injuries cause […]
Five Factors That Affect the Settlement of a Chicago Accident Case

When you are injured in a car accident, it can be difficult to know where to turn for help. An insurance adjuster may tell you that you don’t need a Chicago personal injury attorney to settle your claim. While it is true that you can settle an insurance claim without an attorney’s help, that does […]