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Chicago Entertainment Lawyer

From negotiations to courtroom advocacy, our dedicated lawyers are committed to securing the compensation and justice you deserve.

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Navigating the Creative Landscape with Our Dedicated Legal Team.

Chicago is one of the greatest cities for the American entertainment industry. Whether you are looking to film a movie, write a TV pilot, perform a musical act, or put on an art display, the Chicagoland area offers many wonderful opportunities.

However, these opportunities often come with complications. You will need to protect your intellectual property rights in regard to your work as an entertainer. Booking a venue to put on a performance and obtaining the right to distribute your work will always involve contracts. Consulting with a Chicago entertainment lawyer could help put your concerns to rest. A lawyer at our firm is prepared to evaluate your needs, suggest solutions, and fight to protect your future prospects.

Securing Intellectual Property Rights for Entertainers and Producers

Every piece of art, film, music, or photograph that a person produces is their property. Even so, maintaining ownership in the marketplace and preventing theft requires registration with the United States Patent and Trademark Office, or USPTO.

A Chicago attorney could help secure an entertainer’s intellectual property through the following options:

  • Patents for new equipment used to record a performance
  • Trademarks for an image, logo, or slogan
  • Copyright for images, videos, and music

Obtaining intellectual property protection requires entertainers to submit formal applications to the USPTO and follow up on the status of a filing. Obtaining legal representation to aid in this process can increase an entertainer’s chances of success.

Guiding Entertainers through the Formation and Enforcement of Contracts

As with any other industry in the Chicago area, the entertainment world relies on contracts to outline the rights and obligations of workers – or in this case, entertainers. As they apply specifically to the entertainment world, contracts may involve promises to sell an item, lease out a venue for a performance, or the employment of musicians, photographers, and editors.

An entertainment lawyer in Chicago could help draft a favorable contract that upholds an entertainer’s interests and protects their rights. Whether a party is looking to form a new contract with a potential partner or needs assistance negotiating of terms proposed by another, an attorney works to ensure that parties understand their rights and obligations under any potential agreement.

Every party to a contract has an obligation under the law to perform their duties according to the language of that agreement. A failure to do so could lead the other party to seek court intervention to force the performance of duties as stated in the agreement or to award compensation in the form of cash.

Anyone concerned about a contract related to the entertainment industry should reach out to a lawyer in Chicago immediately. If an individual believes that someone has breached their obligations under a contract, 735 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/13-206 gives them 10 years from the date of violation to bring a case to court. However, people defending against allegations of breach may want an entertainment attorney’s help to negotiate a potential settlement or fight back against these claims in court.

Speak with a Chicago Entertainment Attorney Today

The entertainment industry is intertwined with the legal world. No exhibition, viewing, or sale of the fruits of your creative labor is possible without contractual protection. This can include the right to sell a product, display artwork, or perform at a venue.

You must act to protect your rights over your work by filing for patent, trademark, or copyright protection with the USPTO.

A Chicago entertainment lawyer at our firm is well-equipped to recognize your needs, offer potential solutions, and take the steps needed to achieve your goals.

Partner with us, your trusted Entertainment Lawyer

If you have been injured and believe that someone else was to blame, do not try to reach a settlement on your own. You need an advocate who could stand up to defense lawyers and insurance companies, and not be intimidated into accepting an inadequate settlement.