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Have You Been A Victim of Faulty Military Earplugs?

The United States military recently settled a $9.1 million lawsuit against 3M for selling them faulty earplugs for the troops. If you used Combat Arms brand dual-ended earplugs between 2003 and 2015 while you were serving in the military, you may have been affected. Through documents that came out at the trial, it was discovered […]

Can I Seek Workmen’s Comp for Carpal Tunnel?

Carpal tunnel injury has become increasingly common as computers have become more and more widespread in the workplace. The precise, repetitive motions involved in typing, using a mouse, and tabbing through screens in accounting or database software are exactly the sort that can cause carpal tunnel. However, many other types of repetitive motion, such as […]

Careless Wide Turn Damage Suits – What to Know

Just 11.5 million of the 268 million registered vehicles in the United States are commercial trucks. When we drive passenger vehicles to work and school, we share the roadways with 18-wheelers and tractor trailers which may weigh between 30,000 to 80,000 pounds and be more than 50 feet long. Large trucks can cause serious damage […]

What is the Most Common Error That Leads to Medical Malpractice Claims?

According to a report by an insurance provider, diagnosis-related events were the most common error that led to medical malpractice claims. Coverys Insurance Services examined 10,618 claims from 2013 to 2017. It found that diagnostic errors were the leading cause of claims followed by surgical/procedural errors, medical management mistakes, and medication-related errors. It is estimated […]

Why Did the Insurance Company Deny My Injury Claim?

Illinois personal injury laws provide a legal remedy for seeking compensation after a personal injury accident. Injury victims may recover compensation for their injuries, damages, and losses by filing an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit. Examples of cases that fall under this category of law include: Motor Vehicle accidents, including car accidents, truck accidents, […]