Fighting City Hall: Lawsuits Against the Government in Illinois

Lawsuits in Illinois are always complicated. Success requires a detailed knowledge of statutes, past court decisions, rules of procedure, rules of evidence, and more. But that’s just the beginning of the issues that confront individuals who wish to sue the government for personal injuries that it has caused. That’s because in Illinois, as elsewhere, a […]
Respondeat Superior in Illinois: When Can You Sue a Business for Injuries Caused by its Employees?

Who do you sue when you’re injured by another person and want to recover for your injuries? That may seem like a trick question, because the answer is obvious: You sue the person who caused your injuries, right? Normally, the answer is just that simple. But sometimes it can get more complicated, because sometimes the […]
Illinois Personal Injury 101: Proving Your Case

In an Illinois personal injury lawsuit, to meet the burden of persuasion, a plaintiff must put on evidence. Evidence comes in many forms, including testimony, paper records, photographs, digital recordings, and even physical objects (like faulty car parts). This post takes a quick look at three common types of evidence in personal injury lawsuits: police […]
How Much is a Personal Injury Settlement in Chicago?

When one person has a legal claim against another, the result in modern times is most often some kind of settlement. In short, a settlement is an agreement by the person with the claim (who would be the plaintiff if a lawsuit were filed) to give up his or her right to sue in exchange […]
Birth-Related Medical Negligence

Wrongful Pregnancy, Wrongful Birth, and Wrongful Life: What are They? In August of last year, we explained the basics of wrongful death actions in Illinois. But Illinois law is as concerned with the beginning of life as its end. So, the law recognizes two of what are known as birth-related medical negligence claims: wrongful pregnancy […]