Can You Make a Federal Case Out of a Personal Injury Claim in Illinois?

In the United States, our court system, like our government generally, is split between two levels: State courts are courts of general jurisdiction and can hear pretty much any kind of legal dispute. In contrast, federal courts are courts of limited jurisdiction—they can only hear cases that the Constitution or a federal statute says they […]
Are Arbitration Clauses Enforceable in Illinois?

As we’ve mentioned before, these days relatively few legal disputes are resolved in court. Most go through one or another of several methods of alternative dispute resolution, such as arbitration. Arbitration has become something of a controversial topic in the United States, because many big businesses build arbitration clauses into their contracts to prevent their […]
Injured by a Drunk Driver? What the Illinois Dram Shop Act Means for You

If you’re injured by a drunk driver, can you sue the bar that served him or her? Normally, when you file a personal injury lawsuit in Illinois, you’re limited to the person or persons who directly caused your injury. However, in some cases, the law allows you to hold another person or persons responsible even […]
Injured at Work: What Now?

In Illinois, 200,000 work-related accidents occur every year, according to the most recent report of the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission (IWCC). Of these, roughly one-third result in more than three lost workdays, which can severely impact an employees’ pay. Normally, when a person is injured by the fault of another, the injured person can file […]
5 Facts to Know About Car Crashes in Illinois

Every year, the Illinois Department of Transportation releases a report summarizing information about motor vehicle crashes in Illinois. The data in these reports is always two years old, but we wanted to review some of the information collected in the most recent one for our readers. So, here are five things to know about car […]