Product Liability, Medicine, and the Failure to Warn in Illinois

Back in June, we wrote a post about strict product liability in Illinois. Today, we’re going to take a closer look at a particular type of product liability case—a pharmaceutical company’s failure to warn about the potential side effects of using its prescription medicine. Imagine this scenario: You go to the doctor, complaining of some […]
Illinois Premises Liability Act in Slip-and-Fall Lawsuits

Premises liability lawsuits are among the most common types of personal injury lawsuits in the United States, but they often go by a different, more descriptive name: slip-and-fall lawsuits. As that name suggests, plaintiffs in slip-and-fall cases have been injured by slipping and falling while on the defendant’s property. For example, many slip-and-fall cases involve […]
Understanding Wrongful Death Actions in Illinois

When a loved one is injured by the wrongful act of another, you probably already know that he or she can seek compensation for the personal injury from the person who committed the wrong. You might not know that, depending on your relationship to the injured person, you, too, might be entitled to compensation. That’s […]
3 Ways Medical Malpractice in Illinois Would Change Under the Protecting Access to Care Act

Two weeks ago, we wrote a blog post giving an overview of medical malpractice in Illinois. As part of that, we mentioned two past efforts by the Illinois General Assembly to impose damages caps in medical malpractice lawsuits. The Illinois courts struck both of those efforts down, meaning that Illinois has no damage caps in […]
What You Need to Know About Medical Malpractice in Illinois

One of our practice areas here at Costa Ivone, LLC, is medical malpractice claims. Medical malpractice occurs when a patient is injured because a doctor, hospital, or other healthcare provider failed to abide by the standard of care that applies in their field of medicine. Medical malpractice claims are among the most complicated personal injury […]