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Strict Product Liability in Illinois

product liability laws

Most personal-injury lawsuits, such as those involving car accidents, involve a plaintiff’s allegation that the defendant behaved negligently, causing an injury to the plaintiff. But in some personal-injury cases—namely, those relating to injuries caused by dangerous or defective products—courts don’t require plaintiffs to prove that the defendant was negligent. Instead, these sorts of cases are […]

Why Workers’ Compensation Differs from Personal-Injury Claims

workers comp differs from personal injury

We have previously written about how workers’ compensation claims differ from personal-injury claims in Illinois. Three of the biggest differences are that: An injured worker doesn’t have to prove that his or her employer was at fault in causing the employee’s injury. In a personal-injury case in Chicago, the plaintiff must prove that the defendant […]

Alternative Dispute Resolution in Illinois Personal Injury Cases

alternative dispute resolution

These days, relatively few legal disputes are resolved by going to trial. The clear majority are resolved outside of the courtroom as a result of what’s known as alternative dispute resolution (ADR). ADR is actually a broad class of strategies for avoiding trial, but the most common forms of ADR are negotiation, mediation, and arbitration. […]

Can You Be Fired for Filing a Workers’ Compensation Claim in Illinois?

construction worker

When a worker is injured in the course of his or her employment, the legal remedy for that injury is to file a workers’ compensation claim. But some workers are reluctant to file a workers’ compensation claim, fearing that their employer may fire them, give them a bad performance review, or otherwise discriminate against them […]

The Blame Game in Court

court room interior

In a personal injury lawsuit, a plaintiff claims that the defendant caused some bodily injury to the plaintiff. In turn, the defendant will often claim that the plaintiff is at fault for his own injury—or at least part of it. The parties play this blame game because it can mean a greater or lesser recovery […]