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Can I Work After a Workers’ Compensation Lump Sum Settlement?

A construction worker assisting an injured colleague on a building site, symbolizing the importance of understanding workers' comp settlements.

Can I Return to Work After Getting a Lump Sum Settlement From Workers’ Compensation? When you’re injured at work, workers’ compensation provides essential financial relief in the form of medical care, rehabilitation, and wage replacement. Costa Ivone LLC, a leading law firm specializing in workers’ compensation and personal injury law in Illinois, offers expert guidance […]

The Role Of An Injury Attorney In Worker’s Compensation

A man with a broken leg. Call your injury attorney about any accidents.

Function Of Your Injury Attorney Facing a work-related injury can be a daunting experience, not just physically but also in terms of the complexities of worker’s compensation claims in Chicago. This is where Costa Ivone, LLC steps in, offering expert guidance and support through the entire process. With a commitment to securing the best possible […]