The Cost of Workplace Injuries to U.S. Businesses Each Year

For some businesses, workplace injuries are an unavoidable fact of life but for other businesses, some preventative measures can help save significant costs in lost labor, medical bills, and other expenses that businesses are obligated to pay, which impacts the bottom line. While, overall, workplaces are getting safer, the costs to businesses range around $55 […]
Four Common Winter Slip and Fall Injuries

Winter in Chicago can be brutal. Weather conditions can increase the risk of winter slip and fall accidents. Falls during the winter can result in serious injuries. In some cases, winter slip and fall accidents cause debilitating injuries. Our Chicago slip and fall accident attorneys handle cases involving a variety of injuries, including four of […]
Can a Pedestrian Be at Fault in an Accident?

It’s a bright and sunny day. You’re minding your business and taking a walk when all of a sudden, WHAM! A car runs into you and sends you flying. Before the dust even clears, you hear bystanders talking about who was at fault. Your head swims, and your legs hurt. It couldn’t possibly be your […]
Avoiding Drunk Driving Accidents During the Holidays in Chicago

An estimated 30 people are killed in DUI accidents each day in the United States. In 2018, 10,511 people died in drunk driving crashes. During 2017, 998 fatal crashes occurred in Illinois. Thirty-two percent of those crashes involved alcohol. Even though DUI accidents occur throughout the year, the holidays can be a particularly dangerous time […]
How Car Accidents Can Affect Insurance Rates

The loud crunch of another fender bender is the last thing you need to hear as you wonder how your insurance rates will rise after you submit another claim to your insurance company. Your next thought is probably: how long will this follow me? These questions don’t often have simple answers, but with a few […]