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$240,000 Settlement Workplace Injury

Worker's Compensation

David achieves $240,000 settlement for clienDavid achieves $240,000 settlement for client at Costa Ivonet at Costa Ivone

$240,000 Settlement for Workplace Injury Case

Costa Ivone Law is proud to announce a successful settlement for a client injured while on the job. Here are the key details of the case:

  • Case Overview: Our client, a skilled electrician, was injured while assisting with the installation of a granite countertop on May 18, 2023. When a coworker lost their grip, he attempted to catch the heavy countertop, resulting in a severe rotator cuff tear in his right shoulder that required surgical repair.
  • Injury Impact: The injury led to permanent physical restrictions, especially regarding overhead work, preventing him from returning to his previous occupation as an electrician and impacting his future earning potential.
  • Legal Challenge: Attorney David VanOverloop faced opposition from the employer, who disputed both the validity of the medical restrictions and the client’s inability to return to his previous work.
  • Settlement Outcome: On March 8, 2024, we finalized a settlement that significantly compensated the client’s lost earning potential—nearly three times the employer’s original offer.

Costa Ivone is dedicated to securing just compensation for injured workers. If you or a loved one has been hurt on the job, reach out to us today at 708-400-0000.