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What To Know About Texting and Driving in Illinois

Everyone should know that cell phones contribute to distracted driving. Texting and driving have become a problem that Illinois hopes to eradicate by imposing strict punishments on those who are caught. Previously a driver would receive a warning ticket for their offense of using an electronic device while driving. Under a recent law, cops will […]

Examining The Rise In Marijuana DUI Crashes in Illinois


According to, in 2016, when marijuana in Illinois was decriminalized, traffic deaths rose to 1,078. In previous years, this number was consistently below 1,000. This has some people wondering if the sudden increase could be a result of the state raising the legal limit of marijuana from zero THC to 5ng of THC. Why […]

What Nursing Homes Workers Need to Know about COVID-19 and Compensation

Do You Work in a Nursing Home? Here Are Some Things You Need to Know about COVID-19 and Compensation While many states are beginning to ease their COVID-19 restrictions, we must not forget that we are still in the depths of a global pandemic that is claiming the lives of millions. As many people are […]

Be Road Wary: Crashes Increase as Illinois Opens

If you have been an essential employee trying to find something positive during the in the COVID -19 closures, you might have settled on the fact that your commute was taking less time, and traffic was at an all-time low. That is no small favor! Now that Illinois is opening back up, people are venturing […]

Why Expert Testimony is Key During an Injury Trial


When you bring a personal injury case to trial, it’s crucial that you select the right medical expert to testify. This decision can make or break the outcome of your trial, so using caution when selecting one is incredibly important. Expert medical witnesses are a crucial part of the litigation strategy that can make or […]