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May 27, 2016
Written by: Costa Ivone

Worker’s Comp: Do’s & Dont’s

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You go to work in order to be able to provide for your family. You take a lot of pride in what you do and particularly in showing up each day– but you’ve been hurt on the job. While you could never foresee something like this happening to you, it has. So what do you do next?
Here is some free legal advice on how to proceed with a workers comp case.        
Don’t assume that you aren’t injured! Insist on an ambulance and immediate medical care when there’s been an incident at work and the possibility of injury is present. Remember, just because you’re not incapacitated,doesn’t mean that a serious injury hasn’t occurred. 
Don’t be naive when it comes to the claims process. Obtain all available information on your employer’s Workers’ Compensation insurer. Contact them as early as possible to make certain your benefits are being paid. However, be wary giving a recorded statement to the claims adjuster. The Insurance Companies are looking for ways to deny your claim or limit your benefits.
Don’t fail to fill out an accident report. Be sure an accident report is filled out and you get a copy, even on “minor injuries”– and just as importantly, SAVE IT! This way, no one can claim afterward that you “never filled one out.”
Do let the medical pros take a look. The best bet is to let the doctors– who are trained medical professionals– sort it out. They will be able to give you a definite idea of what injury(ies) may have occurred and what steps need to be taken in order to help treat them.
Do tell your supervisor– immediately!  Report the accident or injury as soon as possible to your supervisor. After all, we are talking about your health. It doesn’t make you “appear weak” or “wanting to get out of work.” Actually, it makes you responsible and concerned with the long-term health of yourself and the company you work for.
Do identify witnesses to the accident. Insurance companies are naturally skeptical, especially when you consider the significant amount of false workers comp cases. That’s why you need to protect yourself. Identify as many witnesses as possible to your accident and have them corroborate your claim– this will protect you when it comes time to present your case to the insurance agency.
While there are many more do’s and dont’s to worker’s comp cases than those mentioned above, following these will assure you a step in the right direction.