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July 17, 2019
Written by: Costa Ivone

Can You Seek Compensation For Injury From an Animal Attack?

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All animal-related injuries fall under the personal injury law, and the owner of the animal has to be held accountable for it. Most animal attacks include dog bites. However, you can take legal action if a wild animal that someone has attacked you as well. Several states include specific statutes that manage wild animal attacks. Costa Ivone Injury Lawyers have extensive knowledge of animal attack cases. They will help you determine whether you have a case or not, and find the best possible way to proceed.

Common Animal Attack Injuries

Animal-related injuries vary in severity, some of the most common injuries that can take place are:

  • Lacerations
  • Infection
  • Nerve damage
  • Disfigurement
  • Puncture wounds
  • Scarring


Attacks like these can leave the victim with severe physical damage, and in some cases, emotional suffering as well. Dog bite victims are usually children, who have to go through extensive reconstructive and reparative surgery to heal completely. Small dog attacks can lead to severe injuries like infection, amputation, blindness, or scarring.

Large dog attacks, on the other hand, are much more serious and can lead to significant injuries like pain disorders, nerve damage, emotional trauma, significant scarring, and amputations. In worst-case scenarios, attacks like these can result in death as well. In any of these cases, hiring Costa Ivone Injury Lawyers is your best option.

In addition to the trauma, you have to deal with huge medical bills that you may find difficult to pay. In case you or someone in your family suffer from an animal-related injury, you have the right to claim compensation.This compensation can cover all medical bills, lost wages, and long-term pain, loss of ordinary life, and disfigurement and scarring.

Legal Implications of an Animal Attack Case

In some cases, animal attack injuries can be significantly more complex than they appear. In certain states where the claim is governed by negligence, the affected party has to prove that the owner of the animal acted carelessly. However, in Chicago, the strict liability theory governs these cases, meaning that the affected party does not have to prove negligence.

One-Bite Laws

There are cases where the animal has never attacked anyone in the past. In such situations, the owner can be protected from liability on his first offense. It is commonly referred to the “one bite rule.” However, Chicago does not follow the “one bite rule,” and the owner is liable to pay the full amount in civil damages.

The Exceptions in Animal Attacks

The owner of the animal cannot be held liable under two circumstances. They include:

  • Provocation –If the injured party intentionally provokes the animal, and this can be proved in court, their claim can either be barred or limited. 
  • Trespassing – In case the attack takes place on the owner’s property, he/she cannot be held accountable for any injuries caused to those who enter the property. It is handled as a premises liability case.

The Best Legal Help

We are a firm of highly dedicated, experienced, and skilled law professionals that handle all types of animal attack and other cases.  Our team of legal experts is here to provide you all the information you need. They will also go over the details of your case with a fine-toothed comb to determine whether it is solid and will stand up in court or not.

For any more information about our services or to schedule a free consultation, call the Costa Ivone, LLC Personal Injury Lawyers at (708) 400-0000. You can also contact us through this Online Form to schedule a consultation with one of our experts. You can rest assured that you will receive the best legal help from our team.

Costa Ivone, LLC
311 N Aberdeen St #100B, Chicago, IL 60607
(708) 400-0000