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December 22, 2022
Written by: Costa Ivone

What Documents do I Need in a Personal Injury Case?

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Pursuing a case for compensation following a personal injury requires you to prove two core concepts. First, you must demonstrate that another person or company’s negligence was the reason that the incident occurred. Second, you must show how that incident has impacted your life. These two ideas mean that you are required to obtain evidence of another’s fault and its impact on your present and future.

One common question that an attorney hears is, “What documents do I need in a personal injury case?” While every case is unique, there is a common set of papers that will apply to most situations. People seeking proper compensation for their losses should obtain this documentation as quickly as possible.

How to Prove Fault for an Injury Through Documentary Evidence

Anyone seeking compensation after an injury must prove their cases to either insurance companies or juries. Powerful evidence includes documents describing how the incident in question occurred.

If we examine a common example of a car accident, almost every instance will involve a police officer arriving at the crash scene. This officer must produce a report that serves as an impartial explanation of the events that led to the collision. In the best-case scenarios, these reports may blame a negligent defendant. Other common examples of documents that may show a defendant’s fault include the following:

  • Incident reports from slips and falls on commercial property
  • Injury reports from companies when a visitor suffers harm while on the land
  • While not a document in the strictest sense, videos or photos of a collision, fall, or attack

An attorney could help gather the documents needed to show fault for another’s negligence leading to your injuries.

Documentary Evidence Concerning a Victim’s Losses

Documents are also a powerful way to show how an event has impacted your life. Collecting this information can begin immediately after an injury with medical records and bills that result from emergency medical care. This documentation serves to connect an incident to your injuries and show the costs of necessary medical care. The same is true for medical records and bills for any necessary follow-up visits or rehabilitation sessions.

Personal injury cases often demand compensation for more than just physical injuries. For example, a person may be experiencing emotional trauma connected to the incident. In these situations, therapist notes and bills are direct evidence of how that event has changed your life.

Finally, many people seek out payments for lost wages due to an injury. An attorney could help contact your place of work to obtain timecards and other documents that speak to the financial burden of missing time on the job.

An Attorney Could Help Address What Documents You Need in a Personal Injury Case

All victims of personal injuries bear the burden of proving another person is at-fault for an incident. However, they must also demonstrate how that event has changed their life. The most direct and effective way to do this is to obtain documentary evidence concerning these two concepts.

This evidence could include police reports, witness statements, incident reconstruction records, and medical bills. A personal injury attorney in Chicago could help address your questions about what documents I need in a personal injury case. They can also take the lead to obtain this evidence on your behalf. Speak with our team now to learn more.