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June 8, 2020
Written by: Costa Ivone

Why Expert Testimony is Key During an Injury Trial

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When you bring a personal injury case to trial, it’s crucial that you select the right medical expert to testify. This decision can make or break the outcome of your trial, so using caution when selecting one is incredibly important.

Expert medical witnesses are a crucial part of the litigation strategy that can make or break your case. Many of the details within an injury trial are complex and having a medical expert to explain and walk the jury through them is important. In many states around the United States, it is a law that before initiating a personal injury lawsuit, you must consult a medical expert.

Here are some crucial explanations to walk you through finding a medical expert to testify for you.

Should You Get An Expert Witness?

While not every personal injury lawsuit requires an expert medical witness, it’s nearly impossible to provide a convincing argument without one. So much of personal injury law rides on expert testimonies to give a level of expertise to the case and the accusations. Adding an expert medical witness to your team not only will build your case, but it will help jury members to understand what happened to you, and why you should be compensated.

In many cases, the defendant will try to argue that your injury and your accident are not related. Believe it or not, cases all over the United States are shot down each day because of this. Adding an expert witness to your team will not only give you a reputable background but also demonstrate the cause and effect of your accident and injury.

Who Can Give An Expert Testimony?

There is a surprisingly large amount of people in a range of occupations that can give expert testimony. Experts do not have to be present at the accident, but instead, simply have to have expertise in said area.

Your personal injury lawyer should help find an expert that has education, training, or experience, in the area that you are filing suit. This will help defend your personal rights as well as build a strong case against whoever you may be filing against.

Here is a list of the occupations that can provide expert testimony:

  • Physicians
  • Surgeons
  • Accident Reconstructionists
  • Medical Examiners
  • Appraisers
  • Economists
  • Toxicologists
  • Forensic Evidence Specialists
  • Mental Health Professionals
  • Ballistic Experts
  • Vocational Experts

You can contact people working in any of these occupations to provide expert witness for your personal injury case.

When is an Expert Testimony Unnecessary?

While Expert testimony is almost always a benefit, it’s not necessary when medical malpractice is incredibly obvious. For instance, if you had a surgical procedure and they left something inside your body that they shouldn’t have, the medical malpractice is blatant and doesn’t require medical expert testimony.

Always be over-cautious when it comes to this. You could think something is blatant but then in a court of law, it isn’t. Make sure to contact your injury lawyer to double-check on whether or not you need an expert witness.